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How Psychic Are You?
Are You Psychic? Take our quiz. From dreams of dear Aunt Fran to knowing who is on the phone, we all have psychic experiences. 


Do you possess natural psychic ability or just a basic intuition? Answer these simple questions to find out!



1)  How often do you spend time alone in reflection, meditation, or focusing on Spirit?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



2)  How often do you have dreams that feature a deceased family member or friend?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never



3)  How often do you hear voices, inside or outside your head, and no one is in the room with you?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



4)  When you close your eyes in meditation, reflection or connection with Spirit, how often do you see images or flashes of pictures and colors in your mind’s eye?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never



5)  When talking to your friends or family, how often do you say things that end up happening?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



6)  When the phone rings, how often do you just know who is calling?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never



7)  When you call your spouse, best friend, or parent, how often do they say something like “How did you know I was just thinking about you?”


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



8)  When friends, family, or coworkers come to you for advice, how often do you just know what will happen and can help them find the right course of action?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



9)  When you are speaking to someone close to you, how often do either of you say, “I was just thinking that?”


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never

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10)  When you go into a job interview or important meeting, how often do you feel that something outside yourself is supporting and guiding you?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never




Add up the numbers of your answers:


If you have 10-19:  You are a gifted psychic with well rounded abilities. Your intuition is integrated into your daily life, so much so that you may not be aware that you are using it on a regular basis.


If you have 20-29:  You have natural intuition. While you may have to work on developing your psychic ability to read for yourself and others, you are able to use this intuition to help navigate the world around you.

If you have 30-40:  You may be relying too much on logic or on the advice of other people at the expense of your own intuition. You must learn to shut off your outer senses if you are to develop your psychic ability in a meaningful way.


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By Kevin, Thursday, September 25, 2008 04:17:06 AM
Thank you from a 20... I need a 10 to help me find funding for my working water as a fuel source project, soon 100% water system for cars and trucks. I know you would think finding funding would be automatic, but no. I understand about not finding funding for my submarine designs and new fishing fleet designs as I haven't told many people, like my International Space Station Shower Device (Environment Specific) I haven't told NASA or Richard Brandson... perhaps if I where to put together a letter of interest with limited disclosure just might be all I need to do.? You see that maybe all I need to do.? But with bills and groceries I don't have the funds to follow threw. I need a break, in the form of funding. I own some RUNU I believe I was guided to it and now time will tell, I know it's a good company. If a 10 can see what I am doing wrong... Huh, well wish me good luck that I find the funding needed, and Thank you so much for that, and I hope you to get the your break your seeking and are inspired in some way to go for it, yea man... I will... TY... I want to thank God for the Powerful Talent he gave me to design answers and to problem and solve ideas. I know we are all gifted in some way, look for yours and enjoy it, and go and learn a new one like I have had to do all along the way. Shade Tree Scientist. KRK.
By Claudia, Friday, September 19, 2008 02:10:01 AM
I scored a 14, the only question that was a I hear voices guide me. No, but my "gut feelings" do guide me. At the age of 2, standing in my crib with a bottle in my hand...the shade on the window flew up, (my right) and saw the most loving, beautiful face surrounded by white...I'll never forget that amazing experience and when I think of it I still get that tingling feeling of love in my soul. I've since seen others and 2 dark, frightning souls...with the eyes and feeling of death. Recently, my brother has visited me, visually (twice) appeared on a picture taken of me and was captured (voice) on a recording. He is very close to me. I am usually the point I don't question my actions...follow my feelings.
By gloria, Thursday, September 18, 2008 10:52:39 AM
By araceli, Monday, September 15, 2008 12:04:27 AM
Hi! Sylvia I score 10, may be because I studied Hypnosis, and I continue studing methaphisics, reading your books all of them are very interesting and change my life,I always wanted to know the truth and I was looking for it. I am very spiritual person and I know one day I can see and talk with the people in the other side just is a matter of time, thank you and God bless you allways.
By DEBORAH, Thursday, September 11, 2008 10:32:30 AM
Sylvia - I got a 12 on your test. How do I open myself up to the other side? I hear voices - calling my name, everday. Right before I go to sleep and when I wake up, it's very strong. But I'm getting more during the day here lately. I can always feel someone hear around me - at times like a small breeze on my neck. Other times I can see a quick glimse of someone walking by. How do I open up to see and hear them? I also get 2 different images of a past life - 1st one - I would say early 1800's - walking down a board walk type sidewalk in front of a mountain base, with mud on my skirt. I look the same w/black hair. Is this real? 2nd during WWII - peasant girl - maybe jewish not sure - two German soldiers (one of them is my ex-who is jewish) on Motorcycles stop and I start running away from them. They shoot me in my right side. I feel the pain which is horrible, but I fall like I'm dead. They come up to me speaking in German, which I understand completely in this dream (I do not speak German), to see if I'm dead. One pokes me & the other kicks me in the wound and my head. I never make a sound or more. They leave me - I start crawling home. It's so real - I have this one a lot - it's creepy. Is it real? Did this happen to me? I hope this is my last time here on this earth? To Stressfull. Please teach me. 2/20/1953
By Saundra, Saturday, September 06, 2008 01:13:48 PM
Bless you Sylvia, I took your test and I got an 18. People always say I am a witch, because I see or know things before they happen, and when I tell them they get scared or stop asking me. I don't worry about it, I just ask God to prstect them in the event that I'm right. So far it works! Thanks Sylvia
By Saundra, Saturday, September 06, 2008 01:10:55 PM
By Karyn, Thursday, September 04, 2008 03:26:48 AM
A big 11 :) I am just me. xxx
By Beulah, Wednesday, September 03, 2008 11:20:17 AM
Hi Sylvia, I got a 22 on the test,Have had many experances 7to10 yrs of age saw ghosts in bed room A cloaked woman sometimes standing by dresser by door,A man pulling on my blanket at bottom of bed always half off the bed.I would always walk up our steps to second floor backwards it always felt like there was something therewhen phone rings i know who it isand i can always know how people fell about me.My Mother told me i was the 7th of the 7thchild what ever that was ,I can tell when also see things in homes when i viset friends some timesonly when its haunted i can tell.
By dorthea, Monday, September 01, 2008 09:09:38 AM
Hmm - all I know try too hard - then it seems more and more like you´re stuck. Let go - let time fix it for you - then things start to happen - in fact...when you´re not expecting it. But be on the lookout somehow too - maybe you just start from there, and not where you expected it to start....what ever it´ll be :-)

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