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How Psychic Are You?
Are You Psychic? Take our quiz. From dreams of dear Aunt Fran to knowing who is on the phone, we all have psychic experiences. 


Do you possess natural psychic ability or just a basic intuition? Answer these simple questions to find out!



1)  How often do you spend time alone in reflection, meditation, or focusing on Spirit?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



2)  How often do you have dreams that feature a deceased family member or friend?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never



3)  How often do you hear voices, inside or outside your head, and no one is in the room with you?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



4)  When you close your eyes in meditation, reflection or connection with Spirit, how often do you see images or flashes of pictures and colors in your mind’s eye?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never



5)  When talking to your friends or family, how often do you say things that end up happening?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



6)  When the phone rings, how often do you just know who is calling?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never



7)  When you call your spouse, best friend, or parent, how often do they say something like “How did you know I was just thinking about you?”


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



8)  When friends, family, or coworkers come to you for advice, how often do you just know what will happen and can help them find the right course of action?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



9)  When you are speaking to someone close to you, how often do either of you say, “I was just thinking that?”


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never

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10)  When you go into a job interview or important meeting, how often do you feel that something outside yourself is supporting and guiding you?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never




Add up the numbers of your answers:


If you have 10-19:  You are a gifted psychic with well rounded abilities. Your intuition is integrated into your daily life, so much so that you may not be aware that you are using it on a regular basis.


If you have 20-29:  You have natural intuition. While you may have to work on developing your psychic ability to read for yourself and others, you are able to use this intuition to help navigate the world around you.

If you have 30-40:  You may be relying too much on logic or on the advice of other people at the expense of your own intuition. You must learn to shut off your outer senses if you are to develop your psychic ability in a meaningful way.


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By Sylvia, Thursday, July 17, 2008 11:05:43 PM
Dear Sylvia, When I was pregnant I was very Physic. During those times I had some very special experiences. One was when I asked the spirits to come for my dad or he wouldn’t pass on. A voice said to me “we will come for you Dad at 6:pm on the third evening” I told all of my family what I was told. My brother came from CA and everyone was there. At 6:pm sharp on the third evening the room was filled with spirits, they were all glowing white. I could sense who some of them were. My Dad opened his eyes and looked around then shook his had no. I touched his chest and said Daddy its OK it’s a much better place you are going too and he was gone. Sylvia why am I not having these spiritual events any more? Your loving friend Sylvia G
By Suzanne, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 07:04:48 PM
Wow I got an 11. I've always known it but it was nice to confirm it. Thank you
By karrie, Monday, July 14, 2008 03:36:12 PM
Fun test! got an 11... my mom has got to take this test! karrie - allen, texas
By Sonia, Sunday, July 13, 2008 07:33:56 PM
I have always experienced these things and much more since i were a child, I just need guidance on how to get fully in touch with Spirit and apply this gift to helping other and myself. Sylvia , any sujjestion would be great. Sonia S. 3/22/66
By Sonia, Sunday, July 13, 2008 07:33:22 PM
I have always experienced these things and much more since i were a child, I just need guidance on how to get fully in touch with Spirit and apply this gift to helping other and myself. Sylvia , any sujjestion would be great.
By elizabeth, Friday, July 11, 2008 02:33:19 PM
By Elizabeth Friday,July 11, 2008 02:19PM My score was a 14 I've been praying, fasting, and I have Sylvia Browne Cd This is my prayer book. This is the way I've been developing my powers. Next i want to develope my healing powers, so who ever I touch I can heal. Thank!
By David, Friday, July 11, 2008 08:39:12 AM
I scored a 16,but I don't know how to use this ability.These answers just pop into my mind or while I am dreaming.I wish that I could explore physic abilities more indepth,but I don't know how.I could use all the help from you or the people associated with you.I can't seem to keep my mind focused on idle chit-chat with other people.My mind wanders and I lose track of the conversations.It takes a lot of will power to concentrate and stay in a conversation.Sometimes I will get a subject on my mind and I can't get it off for several days or weeks.What causes this to happen? Thank you,David
By Tammy, Friday, July 11, 2008 01:19:30 AM
Hi: I have always had a hunch that I had SOME ability but since taking this test and scoring 16 I have realized now that there is more there than I thought. I have always seen things and not just out of the corner of my eye. When I was a child of 11 or 12 I remember hearing music from the 1800's and seeing people in dress of that era dancing to it, it scarred me bad enough that I ran out of the house and next door to my grandmother's. When my grandmother died 3 yrs ago my mother, out of the blue and totally out of character for her, took a picture of me sitting on her couch right after I got up in the morning, the picture had a very big White Light streak across it, my grandmother who had died the night before I believe. And when I came home and my husband and I were at a grocery store we heard someone say "HEY" in our ears, we both looked around and there was absolutely no one even remotely close to us that could have done that. I love ready your books and being able to understand more of what I am going through and experiencing, thank you so much Sylvia, for your wonderful word and your wisdom.
By Karla, Thursday, July 10, 2008 11:49:10 PM
I scored a 10, but need guidance on how to use this ability to it's fullest. I have all of your books and will continue to read whatever is next. Thank you Sylvia.
By Lia, Thursday, July 10, 2008 11:35:15 PM
I didn't ask my REAL question because maybe I am ,tho intriqued, mostly afraid. Along with knowledge comes resposibility. Whoever said "ignorance is bliss" wasn't lying. Too bad it's human nature not to leave well enough alone. I guess you don't have to be a phsycic to sense that I am both confused and conflicted. I scored a 13 and I have a birthmark about an inch wide from my navel all the way up over my right breast that I think is significant. Who am I? Do I really want to know?

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