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Why I Don’t Worship Angels


Some people that hear that I talk to angels look a little uncomfortable. They think that I “worship” angels in some way; that I must consider angels a religion. But that is untrue.


Angels can be religious and they are found in many of the world’s religions. Christianity, Judiasm, Hinduism, Zoastrianism and the Muslims all have angels. Some who are quite passionate about the study of angels call this study angelogy. That is simply “the study of angels.” But it is not the worship of angels.


The definition of “angel” is simply to be God’s messenger. I like this definition a lot because I think it also explains our relationship with angels quite well. They are messengers of God. So we do not see them as the Divine, but as messengers of the Divine.


This is not a religious forum and I personally respect all religions. It does concern me a bit when people hear that I talk to angels and they think in some way that I am worshiping the angels—because this is very much not the case.


What about you—do you consider yourself an angelogist? What do you think an angel’s role or duties are?

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By Kathryn, Tuesday, March 03, 2009 10:32:40 AM
Hiya :) My name is Kathryn and this is my first time here. Sylvia and all, because I see all be-ings as part of our Creator I guess I worship angels as much as I worship all other things that be. For what is worship? To me it means to carry a deep, abiding, unconditional, self-less love for others and a sense of gratitude for what they bring to share with us every breath of every day. Each brings something to give, to teach, to share. We all attach different meanings/definitions to things and finding the truth beyond the beliefs can be a hard-won task. I have been graced with many experiences and I am thankful for each and every one of them.
By maylin, Tuesday, July 22, 2008 07:55:55 AM
yes Melvin, that is true. God made everything possible and like what they say, put God first. if you try to put Him in the center of your life, you will never go wrong. angels are loved and recognized but should not be worshiped.
By Melvin, Sunday, July 20, 2008 06:45:49 AM
That is always the main point here. Do not ever worship anyone higher than God. This is the rule that we all Christians are taught when we are still young. But it's not really bad to admire and love angels, just don't put them in the same position as you look at God. God should always be the highest.
By maylin, Monday, July 14, 2008 03:14:14 AM
yes it is true Dartz. i am a Christian and i only worship God above all. we are taught to do it and put god in the center of our life. but there are some religions who do worship angels. i just do not know what religion that is. but as a Christian, let us respect them with what they do.
By Dartz, Sunday, July 13, 2008 01:04:59 PM
If you're a devout Christian, the Bible does say in the ten commandments to not put any worships before God. I guess that would apply to Angels if you follow Jehovah.
By maylin, Friday, July 11, 2008 02:11:56 AM
Yes Julian, worship is different from belief. some people worship God and the angels and some people don't. for me, i believe in angels and i worship God. I pray to God and i talk to my angels. those are different. but respecting other people's point of view is very important.
By maylin, Friday, July 11, 2008 02:09:31 AM
Very well said Crystal. And even if there are people who do not worship or believe in God, God will still and always help those people. Even if we do not recognize Him, He will still love us unconditionally. that is how loving and wonderful God is. And we should be thankful that we have Him in our lives.
By maylin, Friday, July 11, 2008 02:07:14 AM
Yes Green, i agree with you. and if you do worship angels, i will respect that. it is true that some people do worship satan and that is their choice. i won't say anything against that. i will always respect what people believe and do.
By Iulian, Tuesday, July 08, 2008 06:57:02 PM
Worship is a strong word for what I think of angels to be.Believe , hope , ask , maybe but not worship.You and I worship God , we do that in different ways , that's what makes us unique.I have a point of view about the Divine Power , you have another , it's the way it is and the way it will always be."The messenger of God" i like this deffinition , it has a clear point anyone can understand.You worship God , you believe in angels.You don't prey to angels at night nor in the morning.Angels might be with you sometimes , God is always there!
By Crystal, Wednesday, June 25, 2008 07:32:16 AM
Yes, we are a strange creature arent' we? I think a lot of that goes all the way back to creation and the beginning of sin. We are born sinners and having rebellion of God in our hearts comes very easily to us for that reason. It is as we grow and are taught that we learn to choose what and who we worship. But I believe that even for those who are not taught about God, that there is an inner desire for God. God has placed a need within each of us for Him. And if we are truly seeking truth, we will often be drawn to Him no matter what we have or haven't learned.

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