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Helping Your Children With Their Dream Lives

by Sylvia Browne


How many times has your child told you about an amazing and unusual dream they had last night? Or perhaps they have mentioned that they visited with Grandma who is now living on The Other Side. Children are just like adults in that they have rich and vivid dreamlives. Being open to helping your child understand their dreams is a real gift.


We all travel to The Other Side occasionally during our dreams. This is after all, where we used to live. We chose to come to Earth to live for awhile before returning to The Other Side. So it makes perfect sense that we would become sentimental for our true home during our stay on Earth. If your child tells stories of visiting a place with magnificent buildings and large libraries and many people that all seem familiar—they very well may have traveled to The Other Side during their dreams.


Simply listening to your child’s dreams is so helpful to them. Asking them questions to help them get more information from their dream is very useful. It is best not to make definite statements about their dreams—let the child explain what they think they were dreaming about. This relationship can be so helpful for your child’s spiritual life!


What type of dreams have your children had? Do you think your children remember their dreams?

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Patricia, Friday, October 24, 2008 08:50:12 AM
My Grandson, Bailey, about three years old at the time, came to visit me, he could not wait to tell me that he had seen my Mother and Daddy. I said, "You did?" He said "Yes, and they said to tell you that they love you very much." My parents are deceased, he knew this, but not that I called them Mother and Daddy. He calls his parents "Mommy and Daddy". He has talked about bad dreams but I have taught him to pray and ask God to only allow him to have Good dreams. He is six now and says the bad dreams have gone away.
By Michelle, Friday, September 19, 2008 09:03:13 PM
Sylvia, I really want to help my son. He is almost 7 and has the terrible nightmares, he wakes up screaming, crying and shaking so badly. I have tried telling him that he will be ok and it is a different life. He doesn't remember the nightmare. He did not have any until we switched their rooms. The room he is in is bigger and there are two of them verses my daughter. She is now in the room where my oldest son,now 11 was being pulled off of his loft bed, and the 6 yr old woke us up by screaming his brothers name. The next night my husband went into their room and seen our oldest son sitting indian style on his bed talking to someone. When my husband asked him who he was talking too, he said DJ just looked at him with blank eyes and said no-one important dad. and layed back down and fell asleep. So we moved them. My husband said he has seen a little girl that died here in a tree house. We think if that is true, she likes DJ or was they were in another life together. Before we rearranged our bedroom, if DJ was gone, things would fall off of our dresser. How can I help my youngest and should we return them back to the room where DJ had problems? Thank you , Michelle at
By Michelle, Friday, September 19, 2008 09:01:09 PM
Sylvia, I really want to help my son. He is almost 7 and has the terrible nightmares, he wakes up screaming, crying and shaking so badly. I have tried telling him that he will be ok and it is a different life. He doesn't remember the nightmare. He did not have any until we switched their rooms. The room he is in is bigger and there are two of them verses my daughter. She is now in the room where my oldest son,now 11 was being pulled off of his loft bed, and the 6 yr old woke us up by screaming his brothers name. The next night my husband went into their room and seen our oldest son sitting indian style on his bed talking to someone. When my husband asked him who he was talking too, he said DJ just looked at him with blank eyes and said no-one important dad. and layed back down and fell asleep. So we moved them. My husband said he has seen a little girl that died here in a tree house. We think if that is true, she likes DJ or was they were in another life together. Before we rearranged our bedroom, if DJ was gone, things would fall off of our dresser. How can I help my youngest and should we return them back to the room where DJ had problems? Thank you , Michelle at
By Sheila, Wednesday, September 03, 2008 12:47:28 PM
I forgot :) my e-mail address is : Thank You so much in advance, I love you, Sincerly, Sheila Young -Sherpa
By Sheila, Wednesday, September 03, 2008 12:47:01 PM
Sylvia, I just want you to know I am almost finished reading your book, psychic Children and I am most grateful for all the information. I just love you!:) I also watched your last show with Montel Williams. It brought tears to my eyes. You are one of the greatest teachers on earth and I feel blessed to have you as my teacher, through reading your books. I enjoy your books very much and will continue reading them for guidance. I just wanted to ask you about my children. I have one girl who is 4 years and 2 boys ages 2yrs. & the youngest 5 months. I want to know if I have made the right desicion to Home school her? What do you see in the future for her. also, which should I put her into : Dance, Gymnastics or Martial Arts? and if my daughter will ever get into The Pearls school... The next question has to do with a Tibetan man who appeared (in a dream I had before my daughter was born) to me and said a psychic will be born and then he dashed away. Who was he? Is he related? and what is the name of my Daughters spirit guide and my spirit guide. Last, My husbands' Mother and Youngest Brother past away last year and I would like to know who my 5 month old is seeing. He's always looking at someone and laughing and playing. I always sense someone is around. and what is in the future for my two sons. I Thank You so much in advance, I love you, Sincerly, Sheila Young -Sherpa
By maylin, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 06:52:58 AM
Hello diana. i think that your child has a sleep disorder called sleep walking. i know someone who has that too. and it just happens when he will sleep with the lights off. so he always sleep with the lights on. and that makes him more secure. maybe your child also has a reason for this. but it is good that you are always there to guide her during her sleep.
By Diana, Monday, July 14, 2008 03:49:58 PM
My biggest concern is my daughter will be asleep, suddenly stand up, like she's arguing with someone, she yells NO I gotta go now, then turns to take a step- right off the bed!The bed(with rail)is about 2' off the ground!Or she'll sit bolt upright & just stare, then mumbles something then lays down & goes back to sleep!I often sleep with her, cause I'm afraid she'll step off the bed & hurt herself!Everytime she does this it happens 3-4 times that week!Other than that, she asks God can she go home while she's asleep & wakes telling me all the fun she had in the "garden in heaven", she says you'll know when you see the beautiful purple flowers by the water!Maybe that's why Sylvia sent her/me the book on pshycic children!& Yes, Sylvia, she is a (was) a princess!She saw a Fluer de Lis, & told me just what it was!God Bless you- Diana
By maylin, Thursday, July 10, 2008 03:07:04 AM
Yes Green, i also agree with you. children are very special and we may not believe it but they know more about anything than us. They also do not know how to lie. and i think that children are given dreams which they can not understand but may mean something so it is important to discuss it with them.
By maylin, Wednesday, July 09, 2008 12:54:56 AM
Well Leeuh, i agree with you. children have a more broad and open mind. sometimes they are dreaming about things that we adults don't dream about. and this is why children are very special. we need to guide them and talk to them regarding their dreams. this is very important.
By Green, Friday, June 27, 2008 04:40:46 AM
Leeuh, I think it is because children are pure and have not gotten to the sining part of life yet. I guess that is why they get to see more truth than we usually do in our dream. I remember my 3 year old used to tell my mother that she would die and leave my sister alone in the house. My sister lives with my mom. She kept repeating it several time over a few weeks. Shortly after my mom fell very ill and nearly died. Fortunately she is recovering and we are hopeful she would be around for a much longer

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