Psychics (Sylvia)
Psychics (Sylvia) Articles
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By Beth, Friday, August 01, 2008 08:09:23 AM
Hello,Sylvia. I love you very much. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and teachings of the spirit world. I would like to know if the writing career that I have been working on will be prosperous? Thank you,and God bless you. Beth, R.I.
By Peri, Friday, August 01, 2008 07:34:19 AM
Sylvia, I just want to say that I enjoy watching you all the time on Montel. You are just wonderful at what you do and I appreciate you very much. You are just so amazing. Recently, we lost a very special little girl in November. She was only 21months old. She had swallowed a 100mg morphine pill and passed away in her sleep. Due to the circumstances we now have custody of her two brothers and sister. I just want to know that she felt no pain Sylvia. That is alot for such a little girl to take. Also, we want to know if the other kids will stay with us for good or will their parents, who have been charged with child abuse for medical neglect, have a chance to get them back again? I really need some insight on this because we would like to adopt the kids as our own. Thank you so much for whatever you can help with. Peri Furlong
By Kathleen, Friday, August 01, 2008 05:33:14 AM
Sylvia, I was married one year ago today. Two months after we were married, my husband attacked me in a drunken rage, and strangled me until I passed out. I woke up from the horrible experience, and called the police for help. He was arrested Oct 2, 2007 and is currently in jail waiting trial next month for attempted murder. I love my husband very much, and want him to get help, and to come home. Will he come back home to me, or will we get divorced? Thank you. Kathy
By Monica, Friday, August 01, 2008 12:50:31 AM
Dear Sylvia, I love seeing you so much...i am drawn to you like i know you..strange i know. I have been frantically writing, i have been spared death 3 times, fatal car accident, mitral valve replacement, heart attack, during this time i took care of my mother dying of pancreatic cancer, she died in my home, during this time i experienced i feel some demonic situations, was being advised by a priest, but went on my own and faced it! she died in my arms. I have a son who is educably mentally impaired, i need desperately to know what is his future is, i am afraid only to die because of him.he is 2i9 years old lives at home and is very close to me, i feel if i die so will he!! I have always been called on to be the strong one in my family, a very torrid life with them and my personl life, somehow i dig up strenght, like i know i am suppose to or something. I feel like i have some psyhic knowledge and dont know how to channel it. I was very strong with this demonic figure, or strange happenings, never afraid, confronted it and took very care of my mother. We are catholic, my mother was a eucharisric minister, helped the elderly, communion ect...the strange thing is, she and i never got along, next thing i know i am taking care of her in my home, My Older brother died, we have never kept touch much, he led a very tragic life. When he died i get a call to come take care of arrangements not knowing i was to do it. I dont cry, i just keep going, i talk to god, ask for angels, spirit guide and i feel i am being ignored ...maybe not...i was spared of a teriibe deadly car wreeck, had to learn how to walk again..but it seems like i am being called on to fight, and be the strong one. my father died a few years before my mom, he stated he was visited by a person in white and in light, saying to him, "Bob" you will not die till your wife is ready to let go...i really feel i am here for a purpose...not sure... My son is my life, i desperatly need to know his destiny, he at this time cannot be on his own...i feel like my body is growing weak, i keep going, but i feel i am fading. PLEASE answer me, guide me, or tell me...am i here for a reason...a priest once told me,you were named after a very strong saint...Monica...i always found it astonising that my mother died on the assuction of Mary..her name miriam..jewish for Mary...i feel something and i need help..it is consuming ....Please find it in your heart to contact me or let me know somehow.... Love, your deepest admirer..and believer in you Monica Thorn...whispersme43@hotmail.com please let me know ...give me some peace..what do they want from me...I am an aries 4-19-57 ..i know..strong...and i am everything the sign stands for...help me.
By amanda, Friday, August 01, 2008 12:36:45 AM
sylvia hi, my name is amanda, and i am petrified of the demons and dark spirits i see, also i read a book about ron howard seeing demons in his near death experience yet u say demons don't exist. why am i soooooo afraid? help me please!!!!!!!! also i would like to know about seth and if he is the right man for me or is there still someone else *sigh*, also will i get my own apartment and will it be nice for a one bedroom, and how will i get it being on disability? thank you soooo much sylvia :)
By Danitza, Thursday, July 31, 2008 08:30:55 PM
Hello Sylvia My name is Danitza and i am 15 my mom wanted me to contact you because spirits have been following her a lot since she was small, but not its been happening a lot, many things have happened to my family every time the spirits have contacted her in dreams or in person. I told her that i saw you on T.V. and you can probably help her so she told me if i can contact you in anyway since she doesn't speak english she understands it a little. So if you can contact me by sending me a message I would appreciate it a lot my email is turtle_pickle@yahoo.com Thank you for your time
By kimberly, Thursday, July 31, 2008 05:29:37 PM
sylvia i would like to know if the book i am written will be successful within the next two years. i asked this question because my nine year old told me so. i also feel as if i have the abilty to talk directly to a GOD, but only in my dreams. i also have notice that some of my dreams ring true about 80% of them although i have yet to learn how to read them. sylvia am i just out of my mind?
By Deborah, Thursday, July 31, 2008 05:12:17 PM
Dearest,Sylvia. I'm so confused about the future. my job. will I be able to keep it as my health is getting worse. what do you see in the future for me. I love you. Thank you. Deborah pdykdbrh@yahoo.com
By Penny, Thursday, July 31, 2008 02:02:16 PM
Dear Sylvia, I have a son in the Army that may be deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. I am scarred to death. I have already lost one child (to a drunk driver) and I couldn't bear to loose another. I am obsessing over this even though I try not to. I speak to my deceased daughter and feel that she is protecting him as she always did when they were kids (she is the eldest of the 2) but then I start obsessing again. Can you tell me if she is really protecting him and helping me to overcome this feeling. I do feel that I can hear her sometimes but then I think it is all in my imagination. Kind regards and blessings. Penny
By mariette, Thursday, July 31, 2008 01:50:32 PM
Hello Sylvia..Tell me something about me without me even asking you anything..Your the greatest as you already know..God bless.. Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 You must log in to post a comment. If you don't already have a My Spirit Now account, sign up now. |