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Sylvia Browne Question and Answer
Sylvia Browne answers your questions Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures by Sylvia Browne

Sylvia Browne answers some of the popular questions from readers.


I wonder sometimes about God. What is he really like?

God is simply perfect love and an ever-present force. God always loves us. God created us from good and He gave us free will. Some religions have attempted to create God to have a vengeful, angry or even a vindictive personality. But these religions have not done this out of cruelty; they have done it as part of their ancient teaching philosophy. Uneducated people can be managed by fear. But thoughtful, educated people will want more information. God does not have these negative human-like personality characteristics. God is 100% love at all times.


Is our astrology sign important?

Yes it is! We choose our sun sign, our rising sign and our moon sign and they are all important. We choose everything just as we would like it to be. My Spirit Guide Francine says that everything is charted out for us ahead of time, that we select what we would like to experience. Don't you know of people who were born a month "early or "late?" These people simply chose a different astrology sign for their charts.


How can I find love?

Some people have fallen in love and have loved the wrong person. I have done this myself, so I speak from experience. Do not say that you won't love again; simply stop loving the wrong people. Don't give your love to people that don't love you back or don't deserve it. There is an old-fashioned saying that is very true, "Don't cast your pearls before swine."


Why do I feel that my relationship with my cat is so special?

This is because you are experiencing a relationship with unconditional love. Having unconditional love in your life is very special. You will know unconditional love because you don't have to "do" anything; you simply have to "be." A relationship with a pet is one where you have that unconditional love. It is the same with a relationship with a child. Other people in your life can give this unconditional love, but know that this type of relationship can be very rare to have and should be treasured.


First I lose my car and now my job. Why is God picking on me so much?

Please understand that God does not select people to play Russian roulette with for any reason. He also does not choose people to be ever-suffering and become constant martyrs. Very often when something happens in our lives, it is our chart at work, the chart we created when we chose to incarnate. You selected this specific chart to have life lessons and to learn from them. Often when we have a tragedy, we can grow spiritually and emotionally from that experience. Many times we can choose to help others who will face that same type of experience in their lives. God is always good and never "picks on" people for any reason.


How can I make my life better?

Even though we have a life chart that describes our major events, visualization and positive thinking are very helpful for your life. Visualization and positive thinking help guide you how to get to where you are going. They are both useful tools that you can use on a regular basis.


I think of bears all the time. Does this mean something? 

You are most likely attracting to yourself your totem. A totem (or anima) is an animal spirit that will be with us throughout our lifetime. This animal spirit is one that connects in some way with our life theme. The grizzly bear is the totem for those who have the life theme of the "warrior." Your bears are reminding you of your own warrior energy. Totems protect us and give us positive energy whenever we need it.


My beloved dog died, is he okay? Will I meet him again on The Other Side?

Absolutely you will. Animals are very spiritual beings and are actually born perfect. Pets actually come to earth simply to live their lives with us; they have no need to learn life lessons as we do. Your pet is already very accustomed to The Other Side, and astral traveled there at least four times a week while they slept. They have known The Other Side very well and you will certainly see them on The Other Side once more.


What can I do to help my child's spiritual life?

Helping your child develop spiritually is just as important as any other part of their life. Teach them to pray every night and pray with them at night as they are young. Surround them with the white light of the Holy Spirit every night. This is a wonderful practice and they will feel God's love for them.


I think something bad happened to me in a past life,and that it is affecting me now. Does this happen sometimes to people? 

Every lifetime you have had will affect the lifetime you have right now. Both the positive and the negative experiences you have had will affect your life. You have had strong positive experiences that you remember on a very deep level, and you also have had strong negative experiences that you remember. Becoming conscious of them and understanding what happened is a very healing way to release them if they are affecting your life in a negative way.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.




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By Tammy, Thursday, July 17, 2008 09:55:39 AM
Hi Sylvia, I just want to know if I will meet my future significant other soon and what is his name. Thank you so much. Tammy
By kathleen, Thursday, July 17, 2008 07:20:21 AM
sylvia,thank you so much for helping us understand so many mysteries.I fear for my sons life and the decisions he is making,I feel that we are losing him literally to drugs,how can i help him? i am lost and i know that he is. its hard to believe that he would want to live like this,with this addiction,i pray for him and all who live with addiction. am i doing the right thing just loving him,
By Linda, Thursday, July 17, 2008 01:29:10 AM
Sylvia, In any true reading I have had, mention is made of my first husband. In a recent reading, it was also mentioned that he had died. I have only been married once, and that husband is very much alive. Do you know who they are speaking of, and if so, could you give me his name and/or description of him? Even though I only dated a handful of men in my life, could they be speaking of one of them? I would greatly appreciate it if you could answer this for me. Linda C.
By Kathy, Thursday, July 17, 2008 01:25:08 AM
Hi Sylvia. I've read a lot of your books and learned a lot from them. I work for one of the bigger Hospices in southwest Ohio. I'm still working as a home health aide although I just got my LPN license in May and I've started school to become an RN. I've seen enough things on night shifts that I firmly believe there is much more beyond this life - even though I was raised away from religions and considered myself agnostic until a nasty lawnmower accident at work in 1991 made me rethink "coincedences" and spirituality. What are my themes, totem, and spirit guides name(s). Up until my Mom passed away in 2004, I used to hear either a male voice say my name or a loud crash as I was just drifting off to sleep - who or what was that and why did it stop? Also, one last thing, I've always been fascinated by sabre tooth cats, and strongly drawn to all members of the cat family my whole life. I was heavily involved in cat rescue from '93 to '07. A few years ago I was visited by a spirit bobcat or lynx early one morning - was he my totem? (I had a sense it was a male) Is there a particular reason why so much of my life has revolved around my love of cats and is my fascination with sabre tooths from having lived during the ice age or from something else, like having been an archeologist in a former life? Thank you for any light you can shed on these for me. Much love, Kathy Sacksteder
By Teresa, Thursday, July 17, 2008 12:47:03 AM
Sylvia, I have had several encounters of the psychic relms. Once as a child I was in bed when a white apparition stood at the foot of my bed and scared the whigeebees out of me. They're arms we extended to me and I, in my mind interpreted that they wanted me to go with them. So I covered my head and stayed that way until morning. I told my mother the next day and she turned pale, white. She then told me that my grandmother, her mother, used to have visions. That was all she told me. Then when I was in my 30's I got a deathly ill feeling in the pit of my stomach. I could hardly breathe. A half hour later my cousin called and said that her mom and step dad were in a car accidents. I knew the male was dead instantly. But they didn't know that my aunt was in the car also. When they lifted the car to tow it, the driver screamed,"stop, there's another body!" My aunt was jammed between the engine and drive shaft. She had 3rd degree burns over 75% of her body. in 1995 the news stated that a small child was found missing from his home where he was last seen taking a nap. Apparently he woke up and snuck out of the house unlocking the door. Parents went to the kitchen to find the door open and child gone. Neighbors and police we searching the area around the home. There was also a creek behind the house. I got cold, and when closed my eyes, turned totally black. I felt as if I were drowning. Then I saw the little body. His diaper was caught on the reeds and roots in the water. He couldn't get away and therefore drowned. I told my son-in-law and he and his friend went and put on scuba gear. I told them where to find the body which was 1/4mile north from where everyone else looking. They found the body and placed a marker. My son in law called his brother a sheriff's deputy and when they walked away the media tried to talk to them, but they kept their heads down and never said a word. They were just glad that the family could find closer. I also had the wonderful experience of watching a 8 year old nephew cross over from this world to the other side. He had a wonderful light laugh. I remember closing my eyes and it was pitch black when suddeny the most beautiful white flowers started popping through. They look like nothing seen here on earth. Suddenly there was a dusty path with grass and rocks and trees. It was a beautiful warm sunny day. Then in the distance I head the boy's light laughter. I then saw his head as it emerged from the bottom of the screen and he was holding the hand that was wrapped in a white, soft cloth. The boys was laughing and suddenly he turned around to look at me, and he said,"aunt Teresa, It's so beautiful here!" I told him that I was glad for him and that I love him. He continues to walk and starts to sing, Jesus Love Me! Sylvia These are only some examples of my own personal psychic experiences. So, who am I....Also who was I....Who is my spirit guide!!! Teresa, from Lebanon, Oregon
By fred, Thursday, July 17, 2008 12:30:53 AM
Hi Sylvia, I just want to know if I will meet my future significant other soon and what is her name. Thank you so much. Fred
By natalie, Thursday, July 17, 2008 12:12:34 AM
Hi Silvia.... I have always had issues with my faith but i feel it's getting better now by listening to u talk and reading your books. But lately my 9 year old daughter claims that she see's a man in our house(she even drew a detailed picture of him) and most recently saw a woman named Wendy in her dreams, than she appeared to her in my backyard. We are trying to explain to her it's a gift from god but she is scared and cries alot when this happens!! I am lost at what to do... i have told the ghost or spirit to leave my daughter alone and go to the light and that he or she is dead and they can move on now but nothing doing . Could u please help us ? I feel really bad because this is ll new to all of us as a family. Thank u for what u do for everyone it is greatly appreciated!!!!
By natalie, Thursday, July 17, 2008 12:06:09 AM
Hi Silvia.... I have always had issues with my faith but i feel it's getting better now by listening to u talk and reading your books. But lately my 9 year old daughter claims that she see's a man in our house(she even drew a detailed picture of him) and most recently saw a woman named Wendy in her dreams, than she appeared to her in my backyard. We are trying to explain to her it's a gift from god but she is scared and cries alot when this happens!! I am lost at what to do... i have told the ghost or spirit to leave my daughter alone and go to the light and that he or she is dead and they can move on now but nothing doing . Could u please help us ? I feel really bad because this is ll new to all of us as a family. Thank u for what u do for everyone it is greatly appreciated!!!!
By Catherine, Wednesday, July 16, 2008 11:23:02 PM
Sylvia, I lost my dad August 28, 2000 and miss him dearly, but do know that I will see him again one day when I cross over. My concern right now is for my husband who is almost the same age as my dad was when he became ill. My husband, out of the blue, two months ago began complaining of terrible pain in parts of his body and discontined his morning workouts which he has been faithful at for 18 years. He has an appointment to see a doctor shortly. My worry is I will lose him like I did my dad. Is my worry unwarranted? Or should I be concerned at this point? Thank you. Catherine
By Yvette, Wednesday, July 16, 2008 11:19:09 PM
Sylvia, I posted a question before, but I want to know so much if my dad and young cousin who recently passed away made it to the other side. I don't seem to remember dreams, and I watch for sign from him all the time. Also, my cousin Marissa, lost her husband Brady in the last year and she is convinced he is still here with her. She even had a paranormal team come over and tell her there was an entity there, but that was all they could tell her. I am going to see her and show her what I have learned from you and hopefully, I can see or catch something, which I can hopefully send for you to verify. Is my 4 yr old showing signs of being more psychic? She speaks to someone named Colby and she once mentioned the name Cecil. We asked her where she heard that name and she said Grandma Lilly (who had recently passed away). It turns out that Cecil is my Grandpa Dales middle name whom Lilly was married to. Also, I took several pictures of her in our yard and all of the pictures were clear accept one. There was a white mist that was right beside her. Could you tell me who or what that was? We are so interested to know. I pray you see my comment and are able to answer. Thank you for all you do! We love You Sylvia, Yvette and family, Amarillo, TX

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