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Do All Pets Go To Heaven?

by Sylvia Browne

Anyone that knows me truly knows just how important my pets have been over the years. The loss of a beloved pet can hit you just as deeply as the loss of just about anyone else in your life. Our pets are our beloved companions and friends—they are always by our side, ready to listen.


Many people have asked me if their pets really do go to heaven. If animals are on The Other Side. They are always relieved to discover that the answer is "yes." You will be reunited with your pet on The Other Side when you go Home. They will meet you and they will be as lively and as full of personality as they ever were when you step out of the Tunnel.


My new book All Pets Go To Heaven: The Spiritual Lives of the Animals We Love is coming out January 2009. In this book I discuss just how spiritual animals truly are. Some may not realize this, but animals need to learn no spiritual lessons: they actually come to Earth just to live their lives with us. When you think about it, it is so meaningful to know that your pet is here only to live their life with you. Animals are pure and their hearts are full of love. 

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Harriet, Tuesday, May 13, 2008 10:33:45 AM
Good morning Sylvia, See how you are loved all over the world. I couldn't get hooked up right on Saturday but I understood. You have such a presence with people.I knew it would be wild on Saturday. I think its because people are not to happy with the news media, they seem to tell more fibs than the truth. You tell people the truth of the world. I believe God gave you the gift to help keep the world calmed down and to get God's truth to everyone. I didn't get my question answered but thats ok, it will come. Special lady, don't forget to take care of you too.
By Jonna, Tuesday, May 13, 2008 06:51:48 AM
Hi Sylvia. I just want to say that your are one of the most fatastic persons I know. Here I sit in Sweden and waiting for you to show up on the TV. I've seen you a couple of times at Montel's show, but I can't watch every time because I go to school. So I just wanted you to know that watching your shows and reading your books has given me so much. And thank you very much! You're great! And reading this about animals makes me happy. Me and my mother have lost two of our animals. They meant the world to us, and I miss them quite a lot. I hope I'll meet them someday again. I have some questions for you to. But I can ask them some other time. Thank You. Lots of love!! Jonna
By linda, Monday, May 12, 2008 11:48:41 PM
When i was a teenager, i lived in an appartment building. The owner's wife hated dogs. One late summer afternoon, she gave me a BB gun (a gun that shoots pellets). She pointed to a black dog that was hanging around. I recognized the dog. It was a dog that used to hang around my grandmother's house too. He was a dog with no home, just visiting everyone in the village where we lived. My grandma had a big heart and would feed him. He was a very sweet dog. Very friendly with children. Anyways, that day when i had the gun in my hands, i remember asking myself: "How come she doesn't shoot it herself? Why does she want me to do it? I know him. He's Arthur. He's a very nice dog." But she was waiting for me to shoot him. So i did. I could see it hurt him, and ran away. I remember feeling awful and guilty. I hated myself. Why didn't i just refuse? What was wrong with me? I feel bad for him so much. This dog was an angel and i hurt him just because an adult told me to. Why would a dog subject himself to a life of misery on earth? Why would God need a good dog to incarnate on earth to starve, or be beaten, or run over by a car, or shot? Why so much pain? I don't understand. I don't see how thousands of abused animals on earth are useful to people on the Other Side? It seems incredibly useless, cruel and masochistic!
By Robin, Monday, May 12, 2008 07:45:52 PM
I have always loved Lions.. and believe a lion is my totem... I have a little dog thats very close to me and protective.. she growls into space sometimes and often I feel or see a spirit there but have never seen my totem.. is this what she is seeing because.. during these times.. its a different growl.. like she is jealous or protecting me from my totem...??? Love you Sylvia! Robin
By Melody, Monday, May 12, 2008 05:31:29 PM
Dear Sylvia, I let my beloved cats Mandy and Kayla down in the worst possible way due to my own shortcomings and because of that they suffered needlessly. I felt so close to Mandy especially and miss her terribly. I want so much to make amends to them both but I don't know how. I have been very wracked with guilt over this and feel I deserve to feel that way but I do truly want them to know I am so very sorry I let them down and that I love them. Will they be willing to see me when I cross over? I wouldn't blame them if they wanted nothing to do with me. I love you Sylvia, thanks for being you. Love, Melody
By Sharon, Monday, May 12, 2008 11:56:46 AM
Hi Sylvia, Thank you for all the understanding and guidance you have given. I have a rescued bichon named Penny who is older and her female owner died, the family couldn't care for her and she came into my life. My questions are does her former owner visit her and why does she dig in my laundry room?
By Judy, Monday, May 12, 2008 02:42:42 AM
Thank you for the webcast, Sylvia. I will try to be with your future webcasts each month. Thank you for all you do. You are great.
By Rosemary, Sunday, May 11, 2008 03:56:31 PM
We have lost several good little friends that loved us unconditionally and that was the way we loved them. With the loss of each treasured animal (We don't think of them as animals) the pain was so great but somehow we knew they would be at the end of our journey waiting to love us and be loved again. I am not sure where to post questions for you but I have done so in several places. Maybe my loud plee for help will catch yoour attention to answer what troubles my heart. And in addition to my worries on health, I also worry about those close to my heart such as my husband, daughter, brothers, and animals. I truly will continue to pray for you when I remember all the names I try not to forget. Thank You, Rosemary from Bremerton, WA
By Rosemary, Sunday, May 11, 2008 03:46:01 PM
Sylvia, Several years ago my husband and I started the chapter for The American Diabetes Association in Bremerton, WA and tried to help as many people as possible with the basics and beyond. We met many others that joined in with us and made all our lives full yet sadness surrounded us when we watched and tried to help those that were facing amputations and death. You at one time at the beginning agreed to come and help us raise funds to help others but we just could not get the security we felt you needed so it never happened.Now, I have a heavy heart and need to ask you a question. I have even prayed for your response. Several years ago I lost my father due to Diabetes when they took his leg. Now I am fighting to keep my feet and legs and the threat has me paralyzed with fear. I am needing to know if you see that happening in my future followed with death. Our daughter lives a long ways from us and someday I pray for grandchildren to love. I want to be around to love them all and grow old with my husband. PLEASE answer this for me. I hate living each day afraid to close my eyes becUSE i AM AFRAID THEY WON'T OPEN AGAIN. You are a great person with the insight to relieve me of this problem and the truth will set me free. I signed on at the beginning but I don't think I found a place where answers were given or a seminar was held. I will try again later. Thank You
By Gail, Sunday, May 11, 2008 12:58:20 PM
I was unable to see your webcast, and have not seen anything about the replay of it, will it be replayed? I was wondering if you see a change in career, as I have had surgery three months ago and recovery has been long and still going on. I don't know if I would be able to go back to the work I was doing, or if I will be able to work at all. thank you

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