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Do All Pets Go To Heaven?

by Sylvia Browne

Anyone that knows me truly knows just how important my pets have been over the years. The loss of a beloved pet can hit you just as deeply as the loss of just about anyone else in your life. Our pets are our beloved companions and friends—they are always by our side, ready to listen.


Many people have asked me if their pets really do go to heaven. If animals are on The Other Side. They are always relieved to discover that the answer is "yes." You will be reunited with your pet on The Other Side when you go Home. They will meet you and they will be as lively and as full of personality as they ever were when you step out of the Tunnel.


My new book All Pets Go To Heaven: The Spiritual Lives of the Animals We Love is coming out January 2009. In this book I discuss just how spiritual animals truly are. Some may not realize this, but animals need to learn no spiritual lessons: they actually come to Earth just to live their lives with us. When you think about it, it is so meaningful to know that your pet is here only to live their life with you. Animals are pure and their hearts are full of love. 

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By kathryn, Sunday, June 01, 2008 10:48:17 PM
Yesterday I wrote that I have 4 kitties and wondering if I should adopt again. Well today i adopted a little white (she has a little gray spattering on her head) 3 month old kitten. It didn't have a name so I told my son he could name her. He named her amelia. My older cat princess is freaking out she is groweling nonstop (its a growel/snort actually). I'm a little worried about going to work tomorrow. I hate to call in sick but maybe I need to stay home a day with them till they get used to each other. Sorry for going on....this is Sylvia's page for comment's on seeing your pet on the other side, but I am a proud step mamma today.
By kathryn, Sunday, June 01, 2008 01:14:56 AM
I have a sweet little boy kitty named william. He had a bad eye (glaucoma, ulcer and cataracts). The dr. recommended romoval of the eye because of the condition of the eye. Well Will seems to be doing well. Do they have feelings about these things. Does he realize it was done for his own good and that i love him. I wish I could know how my little guy feels. Pets love us and look to us to take care of them. I just hope all of my kitties are happy. I have 4 and i met a new kitty at a pet store last week that I'm thinking about adopting do you think that i should stop at 4. I feel for all the people who've written and had to put a pet down so far thank goodness I have not had to consider this.
By kathryn, Sunday, June 01, 2008 01:01:33 AM
i feel so bad about the lady harriet who wrote about her coco i can't believe her husband wouldnt listen to her it makes me very sad to think about poor coco going to the vet and not wanting to die i think if it were me i would have taken a stand maybe kicked out the husband and kept the dog coco maybe it is good i am single but i can't imagine harriets husband wanting to put down the dog when his wife so loved this pooch god be with you harriet and may coco meet you with love when its your time to pass to the other side love to you
By Aries, Wednesday, May 28, 2008 05:16:25 PM
It wouldn't be Heaven without mans best friend. Usually, we outlive several of our pets, but if they're waiting for us in Heaven, it really gives us something to look forward to. Unlike humans, animals are free from sin, and no fault can be found with them.
By feyoracle, Wednesday, May 28, 2008 03:53:40 PM
To Shannon, who asked do pets grieve - did your dog actually see the other dog when it died? The reason I ask is that my friend's vet told her it's much better to allow the dog to see the body and sniff around it. She took the vet's advice and brought her surviving dog to see his sibling. Apparently they realize the other dog has passed over and not just disappeared suddenly. The vet said it stops the surviving dog from being upset and confused. I hope that's of some help to you.
By feyoracle, Wednesday, May 28, 2008 03:44:35 PM
The thought of reuniting with my pets makes me very happy. People who don't have them just don't understand how much love is given and received nor how devastating it is when they pass on. They always try to coax you into getting another one right away as if your pet was easily replaced too. Even though their hearts are in the right place, that does hurt. I'll look forward to seeing mine again!
By alpha, Tuesday, May 27, 2008 06:23:36 PM
I think that story about pets going to a separate animal heaven is one that a lot of parents use. I know I've heard it before. But I don't understand why they feel like they need to split up heaven into segments like that. If the pets didn't like being with people, they wouldn't be on earth in the first place -- so I can't imagine they'd want to be in a heaven that didn't include us as well.
By SunDrop, Tuesday, May 27, 2008 12:49:27 PM
Wow, I am definitely looking forward to reading about this. It was always something I asked my parents as a child but my father would tell me no that animals do not go to heaven and my mother would tell me that they go to their own animal heaven.
By Jeff, Tuesday, May 27, 2008 08:57:25 AM
Like all of us here, I lost Hooch May 20, 2008. Losing Hooch was without a doubt one of the hardest things that has ever happened to me in this life. I am shocked he hasn't come to me yet, but am sure in time that will happen. He was an absolute friend and love for me, and will remain that way till we meet on the otherside. Even though I am aware he is still with me, it really doesn't make me feel any better. What a Love, What a Loss. It was just as painful losing my dog Hooch as it was my little sister just six weeks earlier!!!
By alpha, Monday, May 26, 2008 04:45:50 PM
Hi Sylvia Thanks so much for posting this information and making the announcement about the book coming out next January. I have several good friends who are worried about what the next life will be like without their pets, and I'm glad to have some information to give them! I'll be buying some copies of your book for presents.

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