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Do All Pets Go To Heaven?

by Sylvia Browne

Anyone that knows me truly knows just how important my pets have been over the years. The loss of a beloved pet can hit you just as deeply as the loss of just about anyone else in your life. Our pets are our beloved companions and friends—they are always by our side, ready to listen.


Many people have asked me if their pets really do go to heaven. If animals are on The Other Side. They are always relieved to discover that the answer is "yes." You will be reunited with your pet on The Other Side when you go Home. They will meet you and they will be as lively and as full of personality as they ever were when you step out of the Tunnel.


My new book All Pets Go To Heaven: The Spiritual Lives of the Animals We Love is coming out January 2009. In this book I discuss just how spiritual animals truly are. Some may not realize this, but animals need to learn no spiritual lessons: they actually come to Earth just to live their lives with us. When you think about it, it is so meaningful to know that your pet is here only to live their life with you. Animals are pure and their hearts are full of love. 

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Melinda, Monday, July 14, 2008 03:21:51 PM
Hi Sylvia I lost three dogs. My first passed away last year on Feb and he was my first baby we had him for nearly 12 years. The other two we lost in 2004 two months apart. It was my first experience losing a pet. I was heart broken everything just felt like a bad dream that I just wanted to wake up from. I miss them still to this day. I have there pictures displayed in my home. I always say that they were our first children before having my first born. I had them cremated and brought them home with us. I do believe that they are in heaven and I believe that they are sometimes with us. After there passing, there has been plenty of times when my husband and I would see them in our home. I have two dogs left from the same family, they are getting older and my fear is that there time might be near. I'm not ready to lose another one. Our life will feel so strange without the presence of our lil angels. Which is what they are. Angels sent from above to watch over us.
By maylin, Saturday, July 12, 2008 01:56:16 AM
Hi Sandy. that is very sad story. you know, you are right, we can have so many pets but there will always be one pet that will be very special to us. sometimes loving our too much will just hurt us especially if they will be gone. but i just can't avoid not to love my pets too much. that is why everytime i lose a pet, it hurts me a lot.
By Sandy, Friday, July 11, 2008 09:46:08 AM
I had a very loved dog named "Whiskey". He would sit upright in the swing with me. He understood me and made my life happy everyday. He was shot by someone and we never found out who did it, but I miss him so much. I have had pets since, but not like Whiskey.
By maylin, Thursday, July 10, 2008 03:12:24 AM
yes Green and Leeuh. We have loved our pets so much and thinking that they also go to the other side helps us in accepting that they are gone. at least we know that they are on the other side and we will be with them when our time comes.
By maylin, Thursday, July 10, 2008 03:10:04 AM
yes Crystal, you got it right. animals are not just animals. they are also very special and they may save a life just like what happened to the cat. we should be thankful that there are animals which can save lives. we should always treasure and give them importance.
By Rachelle, Wednesday, July 09, 2008 12:36:33 AM
hello sylvia, i just seen you in regina saskatchewan and i didnt get a chance to ask you a question i was wondering, if my dog now nakita, can see my past puppy; porscha; that past away in november, she barks in mid air all the time? can she see her? also can you tell me...what do you think of ouji boards, are they real? do they work? thanks.
By Green, Friday, June 27, 2008 04:59:38 AM
Yes Leeuh, It is a nice feeling to know that your pet is on the other side waiting for you. It feels really hard to have a pet for so long and then have to bury them. Knowing we would be meeting them again when we die is very comforting.
By Leeuh, Thursday, June 26, 2008 05:43:04 PM
I think that this is a question that every pet owner who has ever buried, or had to have an older pet put to sleep has asked themselves. This is also the same question that my three year old asked me just recently when the only dog she has ever had got old and had to be put to sleep. Now I know that to tell her. Thanks!
By Green, Thursday, June 26, 2008 02:28:27 PM
Yes crystals. Animals are very important and just like we are, they have been brought here for a reason. As human being we are generally more intelligent than they are and it is important for us to always help and care for them in any way we can. It is very inhuman to be cruel to animals because they have souls and can feel.
By Crystal, Thursday, June 26, 2008 08:33:29 AM
Yes, that is so Green. That is how we saw it. Like that poor cat had come there for that specific purpose. I know that it often offends people when someone says things about 'dumb animals' or that animals are not the same as people or dont' have souls cause they think that it means that animals are less than we are. But while I do not believe that animals are the same as people, I feel that they are very important and that God put them here for us to learn from, enjoy as companions and friends, and for other reasons. They are to be treasured and treated good and loved. I have 2 dogs and a cat right now. I love my animals. and when they die, I know I'll see them again.

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