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Do All Pets Go To Heaven?

by Sylvia Browne

Anyone that knows me truly knows just how important my pets have been over the years. The loss of a beloved pet can hit you just as deeply as the loss of just about anyone else in your life. Our pets are our beloved companions and friends—they are always by our side, ready to listen.


Many people have asked me if their pets really do go to heaven. If animals are on The Other Side. They are always relieved to discover that the answer is "yes." You will be reunited with your pet on The Other Side when you go Home. They will meet you and they will be as lively and as full of personality as they ever were when you step out of the Tunnel.


My new book All Pets Go To Heaven: The Spiritual Lives of the Animals We Love is coming out January 2009. In this book I discuss just how spiritual animals truly are. Some may not realize this, but animals need to learn no spiritual lessons: they actually come to Earth just to live their lives with us. When you think about it, it is so meaningful to know that your pet is here only to live their life with you. Animals are pure and their hearts are full of love. 

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Kelly Ann, Friday, May 09, 2008 03:11:13 AM
I would like to share my story of Eddie. A co-worker wanted to purchase a cat for herself, I suggested taking her to our small animal shelter, where I live it's our city pound. She found her kitten, while we were there I noticed a small little poodle wet and yellow, his teeth were biting through the cage, I asked the city worker I want to take him home. He was to be put down in the morning. I had to follow him to the vet for a check up before the city would release him to me, I pay'd for him, and for his needles. He was soaked with urine the vet had him in a blanket, the city worker said they found the poodle on the side of the road. The vet had said a breeder had possibly tossed him away because he had a back winged leg, to much breeding. The vet had said to me "you know he can't be walked" I said "is he in pain?" He said "no" I said "he just needs love!" The vet gave me some extra's he was surprised and happy I would want to take him home. I took Eddie home and washed him from sink to sink. He walked with his bum in the air, to funny. My daughter at first was unhappy because she thought her friends from our street would laugh, but everyone including my daughter grew to love Eddie alot! We had Eddie for a very short 2 yrs because my family re-located to a remote area by a lake. My daughter and I had gone out of town, when I received a phone call from my spouse that said Eddie was killed by a fox. I felt so guilty because before my daughter and I left for our trip Eddie jumped in my car and wanted to come very badly. My daughter and I never got to say good-bye. My spouse had said he disposed him so we didn't have to see him that way. I know in my heart I will see Eddie again in heaven. I was so upset for not having the chance to say good-bye. Thank-you Sylvia for writing your new book, I look forward to reading in 2009. xxxooo
By Amanda, Thursday, May 08, 2008 10:49:23 PM
Please, i feel like you are really the only person who can help me. If you read any of would really be saving my life.
By Amanda, Thursday, May 08, 2008 10:48:47 PM
Please, i feel like you are really the only person who can help me. If you read any of would really be saving my life.
By drizzle, Thursday, May 08, 2008 06:44:35 PM
I do believe pets go to heaven too. I don't think I could let them go so easily when their time comes if I didn't. Sylvia, it's so good to hear that "they actually come to Earth just to live their lives with us.!' I actually dreamed about my dog before he came to us. I told my husband's niece I'd been dreaming about a little dog and described him perfectly without knowing that months later I'd find him on our back porch, exhausted and filthy, in the early hours of the morning. It was a long time later that I made the connection about him and the dream. My husband's niece and I had joked at the time about me really wanting another dog so much I was dreaming about it even though my husband had said no more. I sincerely believe the little guy's a gift from God and sent to keep my spirits up.If so, he's doing a grand job! Thanks, Sylvia, for the reminder of how precious they are.
By Sophie, Thursday, May 08, 2008 10:47:22 AM
It is so sad when any pet dies; it’s a terrible feeling in the pit of your stomach. I hope I can be with my pets in the afterlife, is this really possible, I wonder.
By Nancy, Thursday, May 08, 2008 08:32:00 AM
Hi Sylvia, I had my Ozzie for almost 15 years. He was the most lovable peek-a-poo in the world. Sadly, we had to put him down in June of 07'. I was inconsolable, and in tears once we left the vets office. My husband and I were driving home, and pulled onto our street. For some strange reason my attention was turned up to the sky. There, I saw My father who had died 13 years ago, holding my Ozzie on his lap! Ozzie was so excited, tongue hanging out, happy as a clam! I was totally in shock. At that point, the tears stopped and I knew he was going to be ok. On a side note, my father looked like he was around 30 years old, with dark hair, and he had on a blue "maddress shirt!" He was also smiling at me! I didn't know that they wear clothes on the other side? I was so thankful for seeing them together. It helped me go on. We now have Jake. Oh boy....!
By jackie, Wednesday, May 07, 2008 08:20:04 PM
Hi, Sylvia it's good to know that my dog " BOOBOO " is gonna meet us someday in Heaven. You see hes's a black & Tan coohound w/ white stripe on his chest and I can't imagine living without him, my beautiful baby boy! But for right now I'm enjoying him 24 hrs a day giving hugs & kisses and I thank God for giving us this wonderful gift from above. Thanks for sharing your gift, God bless you always!
By Heidi, Wednesday, May 07, 2008 06:16:20 PM
If you have many pets throughout many lives, do they all remember you,and you them, when you go home? I never made it back to my pony before he died. I promised I would come back to save him, and could not. Does he forgive me and did he pass peacefully,or they even remember things like that?
By Sylvia, Wednesday, May 07, 2008 04:07:20 PM
How come Steve Irwin [aka Crocodile Hunter]had to leave so soon? He was such a wonderful warrior for all animals... and will his children be able to carry on the fight to save nature from so much destruction? I know it takes all of us but he was able to bring it to the attention of all. Thank you, Sylvia p.s. love my name too! Lol!
By Aleina, Wednesday, May 07, 2008 10:57:47 AM
my poor pet cat Kiki... i cry... I feel for her... I just am so so sorry she died...I had lost a very dear pet friend Oreo the cat who got hit by a vehical on Mothers day 2 yrs ago. Well, my sweet husband decided after we all moved to bring home a lil gift for me in a duffle bag. He set the duffle bag down behind me and I had picked up on my husbands reactions of how he was trying to surprise me. I just cried and just got so mad and angry at him with fear and emotions. I said you didnt! did you? no.. no.. noo... please no... take it back.. god no! And then my husband looked at me and said its for you... and you need this. I cried and said why?! and then I turned my chair and looked and saw this little small baby kitten all black and the cutest little eyes starring right at me with a meow of momma...hi! I just cried. And said you made me look at you.. Myhusband said its a girl and i told her to be with you and watch you. I cry sittinghere texting this...well, this kitten did stick to me like glue. e\Every room I went into she followed me and sat near my feet or on my lap etc. She would check on me if I was not in the same room by meowing for me. Well, heres the hard part. Some how she started to gag and puke. I figured she ate soething and maybe fur ball. But it continued untill I saw foam. It was making her skinnier so I too her in and she had swollowed floss. It had been in her system for some time. Yes, i feel it was my floss fromthe bathroom trash can. Omg! this hurts to type out on here!... My pet vet told me he could do surgery but no garentee. I looked at the cost and cried. No money.. nothing.. So, I asked for medicine and mooshy food to hand feed her evry day no matter what to see if it would come out... she got to looking better. She would just suffer when the food started to build up.. she wouldnt pooh untill it was fully full inside. wich was very small amount of food fed to her. tea spoon 3 times a day and water. Finally .. one day i saw this green thing hanging out and it was really showing... I didnt pull it because pulling on something like that floss would be like a cheese slicer on her intestines..So I snipped it hope ing the rest would come out. The amount was unknown. I so hoped it was no more than a foot long as per half of foot came out. BUT month went on.. and signs showed hard problems.. SO I took her to another vet because she was showing me signs of her hiding and her being very cold. The new vet said awwww.. and he would work payment arrange ments.. I said thank you! yes.. please.. So,, he operated on her after he too forced liquides with iv in her. She then was opened up. She had the other half inside and it had scrunched her intedtine up like an acordian.. I cry... I feer floss to this day! for ever. BUT she was in no shape of form to be a cat that could poo and function ever again. Doctor told me he was sorry and that time is soo short.. I said I am on my way to see her again.. and as the doctor brought her to me.. I saw her swollen body.. and held her head crying as she took all her strenght to just look at me and meow so soft at me.. and i said.. ohhhh... kiki.. you can go now.. its ok.. you go..ok.. and i just petted her crying and saying how good she is. The doctor just starred at me and felt my pain for this pet. The doctor said he so tried. I said I know.. thank you.. So i burried her in my yard a few days before my birthday and now she sits in the yard as a memory for all people who floss to dispose of it in a better way than the trash. All pets have a thing on string and it will kill them. Please cut your string up to one inches before disposing. My pet Kiki was less than a year old. Sorry Kiki. Aleina B. p.s. you really do love your pet like you would a child at any age.

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